Thursday, February 5, 2015

3 tools for building healthy romantic relationships

Today I learned three small tools that make a big difference in a romantic relationship.

1.) If you think something good, say it.

When we speak life-giving words to our spouses we lift them up. Compliment your spouse, make it a rule to tell your spouse every time you think something positive about him or her. Don't just think it, say it! Every time we tell our spouse something positive that we thought about them we make them feel special, wanted and honoured.

2.) If you think something special, do it.

Purposeful time

Make your spouse a priority. Take time to plan a weekend away together for just the two of you where you can focus on each other and reconnect. Don't let the busyness of life make you too busy to have time for just the two of you. If you want a strong and healthy marriage you can't afford not to prioritize alone time with your spouse. When you prioritize spending time with your spouse it tells him or her: "I want to spend time with you, you are important to me."

Thoughtful acts

Thoughtful acts are often more romantic than just bringing home flowers or chocolate. Thoughtful acts are a signal to your spouse that you care about him or her. A thoughtful act according to women can be when her husband helps her with the dishes or help her fold the laundry. A thoughtful act can often be something that we ourselves don't value, but we do it because we know that it's important to our spouse. Thoughtful acts make our spouses feel valued and special, when we act we show them that we care.

These little tools are simple but they can make a big difference in your romantic relationship. Be a blessing to your spouse by serving him or her with acts of love. Good relationships don't happen by accident, they require a lot of intentional acts. You can watch the whole message on "Love in Action" by Craig Groeschel on the youtube video above or at

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