Tuesday, April 21, 2015

When Jesus wrecks your comfortable life

I'm reading a book by Jen Hatmaker right now called "INTERRUPTED-when Jesus wrecks your comfortable Christianity". It's awesome! Jen is the kind of author who can make me both laugh and cry in the same chapter. I'm standing at the threshold of walking into two new projects in my life right now and I was hoping that Jen's book would help me get the courage needed to take the next step.

I've definitely been a comfortable light-Christian for quite a long time now, the kind of Christian who isn't exactly all in. A "light-Christian" is what I call the kind of Christian who is mostly believing for the sake of what her faith can do for her in life. When you are a light-Christian you have realized the great benefits that comes from having God "on your side" as you go through life. You believe in God and you try your best to be a good person, but when it comes down to sacrificing some things in life for God you are quick to come up with excuses why you can't possibly do that.

As light-Christians we run to God when we are in trouble and ask him to help us and get us through our struggles. As soon as things turn around and we are okay again we forget about God and go on doing whatever we feel like. We aren't interested in serving God or asking Him what he would like us to do with our lives. We have clear personal goals in life and we have no interest in getting God's opinion on those things. Most of the time we are fine without God.

The Bible says something like: "he who holds on to his life will loose it, but he who looses his life for Me, will find it." That sounds good and all, but what if I have no interest in giving my life up to serve God's plans for this world? What if I rather want to follow my own plan for my life? The good news is I have noticed that this attitude tend to be a sign of a faith that still hasn't matured. As you "grow up" in your faith you no longer find yourself wanting to live for yourself, now you want to serve God. God also has his ways of getting us to grow up, whether we like it or not.

I still remember how differently I used to view the world just seven years ago. You could say I definitely felt like "the world is my oyster". The world was there for me to explore and enjoy and I wasn't going to let anyone or anything hold me back from pursuing my personal goals and interests. It was all about me, myself&I. Every time a situation, person or city wasn't what I wanted it to be I would complain, whine and criticize. The way I saw it the city was there for me, not the other way around. The last chapter in Jen Hatmaker's book is called "In the City, For the City". I think that describes my change in world view very well. I used to think that my city was there for me to use and enjoy, but now God has shown me that he wants me to be "In the City&For the City".

Yes, the city is meant for me to enjoy, but it's not only here for me to enjoy. God placed me in this city for a reason. I could have ended up in some other city but I didn't, he wanted me here. As a follower of Christ I know that my purpose is no mystery, it's crystal clear. I'm expected to follow in Jesus' footsteps, to serve my city like Jesus served when he walked on this earth. That means helping the needy, feeding the hungry, comforting those who are lonely and giving to the poor. That's what God expects out of every single person who calls themselves a Christian. And if we choose to not do those things, then can we really say we are true followers of Christ? I'm done with being a light-Christian, it's time to let Jesus wreck my comfortable and complacent life. It's time to be here for the city.

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