Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Shift Your Perspective

Christine Caine shares a bit about her story in this video. Christine grew up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Sydney, Australia and as an adult she found out the shocking news that she had been adopted at birth. She had been left unnamed and unwanted in the hospital as an infant and her adoptive parents had chosen not to tell her that she was adopted. Christine was also sexually abused for twelve years of her life. Christine's painful childhood left her filled with hurt, anger, shame and hopelessness. She became a Christian in her early twenties which would change her life radically, her life went from being hopeless to a life filled with hope, purpose and destiny.

As we look at the world around us today it's easy to feel hopeless and become afraid of the future. Christine Caine talks about how we can either focus on our current circumstances or we can choose to shift our perspective and zoom in on the things that are right in our lives and in our world. If we choose to be grateful for the things that are right in our marriages for example, rather than to focus on what is not yet the way we would like it to be, it will change how we feel about our lives. When we stir up the gift of faith we have within us and get our eyes set on Jesus we can find hope in the midst of hopelessness.

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