Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jump in The River

Pastor Thomas Hansen from Hillsong Church in Copenhagen preaches a great sermon about trust. Thomas Hansen mentions that we have never been called to fully understand God but we are called to trust him. Our level of trust reveals our faith. However, we all know that it can be hard to trust God sometimes. Our fears can hinder our faith, other times we let our negative self-talk hinder us from trusting God. God calls us qualified, but we start to tell ourselves all the reasons why we aren't good enough.

Thomas Hansen says that we should never let a temporary season in life become permanent. Life becomes really heavy when we let a difficult season in life define us. We will all face different types of painful and difficult seasons in life but we don't have to "set camp" in these places. We walk through the difficult seasons in life, we don't make them our permanent residence. When we "set camp" in a difficult season we start to let our struggles define us. We get hurt by someone and we start viewing ourselves as victims. We get offended by somebody so we let the difficult experience make us bitter. We decide to stay in our difficult season rather than to move on.

I like what Thomas Hansen says: " Your position in life is not as important as your direction." Life is not so much about where you are at right now, it's all about where you are heading in life. Where are you going? We are always moving in a direction. One thing that can hinder us from moving forward in life is labels. Our culture is quick to give us labels; divorced, unemployed, broke etc. Labels define us and restrict us, resist the urge to label yourself. We will all go through difficult seasons in life but we don't need to let these temporary seasons define us, our job is to keep moving forward.

One way we can keep our faith and continue to trust God during a difficult season is by remembering what God has done for us in the past. If God helped you overcome struggle A,B and C in your life you can be sure he will continue to guide you through struggle "D". We can trust our God. The Bible tells us: "So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. "(Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT)

Sometimes we are at risk of missing out on our breakthrough in life because of a couple of different reasons:
1.) We expect God to bring the breakthrough according to our own personal plan and preference. Sometimes the way forward will look very different than we expected, so we choose to rather stay stuck.

2.) It seems too simple. There are times in life when we can get so focused on our method that we end up trusting our method more than we trust God. We think that if we do things just right we are going to get what we want in life, when in reality a method is just a method. Our God is not restricted to a method. Sometimes we don't want to do what God is asking us to do because it seems too simple.

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