Monday, February 5, 2018

The Blessed Life

God wants each one of us to enjoy this life and live a blessed life. It’s not God’s will for us to spend our whole lives walking around weighed down by fear, worries, anxiety or sorrow. We all want to live “the good life” and God has good things in store for us, but how we go after those things matters. We can’t manipulate our way to a good life. We can’t lie, steal, cheat or demand our way to a good life. Taking what isn’t yours to take come with some really bad consequences.

God has good things in store for our future, but He is waiting for us to do our part before we are ready to receive those blessings. What is God asking you to do this year? Is God asking you to obey him in an area where you have been avoiding obedience to His will? Is God asking you to become more generous with your money or time this year? Is God asking you to start serving others through volunteering? One thing that God is asking of all of us is to look for opportunities to do good to others. It’s easy to live self-centred lives but every single day we have many opportunities to be a blessing to someone else. No matter what God is asking of you, your obedience will need to happen before you will see things fall into place in your own life.

I have a very stubborn personality. I took a personality test the other day that said the following about my personality type: “This personality type is very difficult to lead.” Amen to that! Good luck anyone who tries to get me to do something I don’t want to do! There have been multiple times in my life that God has been very clear about what steps He wanted me to take next, but I still chose to ignore Him and do my own thing. The result of my disobedience to God was that I ended up somewhere I did not want to be.

Trusting God can be very hard sometimes, but I know by now that I’m better off following God’s lead than my own plan. I don’t want to miss out on many of the wonderful blessings that God has for me in this life, so these days I’m more willing to listen and follow God’s lead. It’s not always easy to choose trust over control, but the reward on the other side is so worth it!

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