Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What's My Purpose?

Where do I want to live? What type of career would best fit me? Who should I marry? The better we know ourselves, the easier it becomes to answer life's big questions.

We are all gifted in different areas of life. Living out our purpose will require us to figure out what gifts we have so that we can put them to use. The Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers personality test is one way to better understand your uniqueness and figure out what areas you are gifted in. I took the personality test a few weeks ago to see if there are any areas where I’m gifted that I haven’t thought about. The test reaffirmed a lot of things that I already knew about myself and my personality type. It was also funny to see that so many of the things I’m passionate about aren’t really that “unique” after all, they are very common interests for my personality type.

People with my personality type often become activists or involved in politics. The test also showed me that careers where my personality type is very successful are: Psychology and Counselling, Writing, Teaching, Early Childhood Education, Healthcare, Social work, Law and Religious Leadership. If you are interested in learning more about your own personality type, or want to find out what type of careers you would do well in, you can take the test here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp

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