Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Simplicity, silence and solitude are the three Spiritual Practices that I need to grow in the most this year. I made it one of my New Year’s resolutions to do all 12 Christian Spiritual Practices with excellence this year. One lifestyle change I want to make to create a life of simplicity is to spend fewer hours on social media each week. I’ve decided to stick to only Instagram and Facebook in the future. I won’t be blogging anymore after this week, but I’ll leave the blog up for another 6 months or so, in case anyone wants to read through old blog posts. On Instagram my account name is: the_futuristas

I badly need to establish simplicity in my “online lifestyle”. I look forward to focusing on only two different accounts from now on: Instagram and Facebook. I don’t need to spend time and effort on updating a blog, Twitter, Snapchat or a Youtube channel every week. Life is about so much more than spending time online. I love social media, I just want to spend fewer hours online every week and more hours face to face (in real life) with all the people I love.

Simplicity, silence and solitude are the areas where I need to grow the most, but I aim to see growth in all 12 Christian Spiritual Practices during 2018. Here’s the whole list:

1. Simplicity
2. Silence
3. Solitude
4. Prayer
5. Confession
6. Meditation (on the Word)
7. Study (of the Word)
8. Fasting
9. Sabbath
10. Giving
11. Service
12. Worship


Words are powerful. They can beat us down and lift us up. They wound and they heal. And the right words at the right time can be exactly what we need to hear—or what we need to say. Pastor Craig Groeschel from Life Church preaches an excellent sermon about the topic of criticism.

When We Fail at Love

The word “sin” is one of the most common bad words in the Bible, but what does it really mean? In this video, we’ll explore the concept of “moral failure” that underlies this important biblical word. Get ready to discover a profound and realistic portrait of the human condition.

3 Tips for Marriage

Both romantic comedies and the last episode of every TV show seem to end with the same thing: the main characters get married and live happily ever after. Hollywood movies are fun to watch but they paint a very unrealistic picture of what marriage will be like. Our modern culture seem to think that a romantic relationship will satisfy our souls, in reality that is far from the truth.

Marriage was created by God as a tool that he uses to form and shape us toward holiness. Marriage is ultimately not about happiness, it's about selflessly serving another person. If we get good at serving each other in marriage happiness arrives as a very nice "side effect" of that lifestyle.

It's easy to love people that you only see once a week, it's much harder to love when you share your life with another human-being. This is why marriage and parenthood are two of the main tools that God uses to shape us toward holiness during our lifetime. Few things are more efficient at shaving off selfishness from our souls than becoming a wife and a mother. Marriage and parenthood reveals to the human-being that the universe doesn't revolve around her. We learn that this life is all about love, and that love is not self-seeking nor proud.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Jesus: Who is He?

Jesus, the whole world counts time from the year when he died and rose, 2018 years ago. He died on a cross and my home country Finland took that so seriously that they put the cross symbol on the national flag, a blue cross with a white background. The so-called Scandinavian crosses on the flags of the Nordic countries–Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden–also represent Christianity. Why have people cared so much about a man named Jesus all throughout history and why do people still care about him today? Episode 2 of Alpha explores who Jesus is.

Philippa Hanna's Story

Alex Wood


Forever, He is glorified
Forever, He is lifted high
Forever, He is risen

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Dysfunctional Comfort

Pastor Steven Furtick from Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina preaches an excellent message about our comfort zones in this video.

I must admit that I love being comfortable. Why in the world would I want to expose myself to the frightening, uncomfortable and seemingly unsafe life outside of my comfort zone? The answer to that question is: the results. As I look back at my life, I can clearly see that growth and transformation always took place in an uncomfortable place. We don’t grow much inside our comfort zone, do we?

Lisa's Story

Lisa Luby Ryan wanted the perfect life: children who adored her and a husband that would protect, guide and love her. But things didn't turn out that way.
She had been sexually abused at a young age, lived in a chaotic home and wasn't loved by her parents. Honesty, trust and a wholesome relationship between a man and a woman simply wasn't Lisa's reality. As she went through life, through relationships and men and a broken family of her own, she knew in her mind that "All I wanted was to be loved." But God asked her the question, "How can I heal you when you're not willing to heal yourself? Are you willing to confront your secrets and give it all up to me?"
Are you willing to give it all up? Are you willing to be healed? Lisa had to confess her past; a life of affairs, abortion, divorce, and neglect. She freed herself by facing the truth and God was faithful to restore the broken pieces.

It Is Well

Through it all, through it all 
My eyes are on You 
It is well with me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

What can break a marriage?

Every book I’ve read on marriage says the same thing about having close friends of the opposite sex: it’s not a good idea. When we are married and still have close friends of the opposite sex we end up building an emotional closeness in that relationship. Emotional intimacy should be reserved for our spouse alone. We can have close friends of the opposite sex, but it’s better to see them in a group setting. One on one meetings with friends of the opposite sex builds too much emotional intimacy. Recommendations like these can seem unnecessary or silly, but the experts know what they are talking about.

Audrey Meisner was close friends with a much younger man and for many years he remained just that, a friend. She never imagined that she would end up having and affair with him one day since he was much younger, and they were just friends.

Bob and Audrey Meisner also had another struggle that so many of us face, they were busy people, very busy. Where do you fit in time to connect and work on your marriage when your schedules are packed with the kids, work and ministry? Bob and Audrey tell their story about how in a busy season of their lives Audrey ended up having an affair that almost ended their marriage.

Bob had a bold and mature mentor who challenged him to forgive his wife, just like God forgave him on the day of salvation. Bob wanted to punch his mentor in the face for even suggesting forgiveness as an option, but over time he chose to do just that, even if the hurt was deep and it took time to heal from it.

Love That Lasts

The other day I was looking through the pictures from our Renewal of Vows ceremony last summer. It hit me that “renewing your love” is what marriage is all about. We live in a culture that thinks it’s possible to “fall out of love”, but in reality you don’t stop loving somebody overnight.

Nobody gets fit at the gym and then suddenly “falls out of shape” one day. We don’t get in bad shape from avoiding the gym for three weeks, but if we avoid the gym for three years we will end up in bad shape. Why does our modern culture believe that we can get married, focus on everything else but the marriage, and still be happy and in love with each other 5, 10 or 30 years later?

One of the things my husband and I do every year to work on our marriage and keep our love alive is read books together. Last year we read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman and this year we are reading The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller. Another important thing we do is pray together every evening. We pray and ask God to strengthen and deepen our love for each other. We pray over whatever challenges we are facing each day and we intercede for others who are going through a tough time.

Monday, March 19, 2018


The seasons of life

"For everything there is a season,a time for every activity under heaven.A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest."

Ecclesiastes 3 (NLT)

Friday, March 16, 2018

Fight Your Fear

God has a destiny for you, but fear could be getting in the way of it. See how fighting your fear may be the key to changing your future.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Peace Be Still

Be Still
that I am
PSALM 46:10

Desperate Prayers Yield Miracle

One couple finds a reason to be thankful after doctors discover a mass in their infant daughter's brain.

Defining Moments



God & Scripture

Is the Bible just a historical document or is it the written Word of God? Is it still relevant or even reliable? The Curiosity Collective brings together thought leaders, subject matter experts, pastors, and theologians to explore these challenging questions.

In Love with my Ex

Cheryl Scruggs divorced Jeff after 10 years of marital numbness and searched for a deeper, more meaningful relationship - one she thought she'd found in another man. When she discovered that her emotional void could only be filled by Jesus Christ, she wanted Jeff's forgiveness.
The freedom Cheryl thought she would experience after the divorce didn't exist, instead she was left with the pain of knowing that she had been the one to break up her family. 
In this interview with Jeff and Cheryl Scruggs they talk about how living the dream life in Los Angeles still left their marriage crumbling. Cheryl talks about what led her to have the affair. Jeff&Cheryl also walk us through how seven years after the divorce they started dating each other again. They eventually decided to remarry each other to their twin daughters delight. 
Today Jeff&Cheryl are still happily married and both of their daughters are married now. They have decided to share their story with hopes of helping others. Jeff and Cheryl share their story in more detail in their book "I Do Again: How We Found a Second Chance at Our Marriage--and You Can Too"

I Do Again

The Wedding
The Twins
The Good Life

The Void
The Affair
The Divorce

The 2nd Wedding
A Marriage Restored

What are you Afraid of?

Life has dark valleys full of death that fear tells us we can't get out of. The reality is we have a shepherd who is leading us through the valley towards the greatest things he has to offer us.

In week 3 of the series Fear is a Liar Pastor Chuck Mingo from Crossroads Church preaches a sermon about how to get through the tough times in life without loosing hope.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Who You Say I Am

Free at last
He has ransomed me
His grace runs deep
While I was a slave to sin
Jesus died for me
Yes He died for me

Who the Son sets free
Oh is free indeed
I’m a child of God

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Helicopter Parenting

Care Pastor and Psychologist Merry C. Lin talks about the pressure that new parents face to be "perfect parents". Merry mentions that she was afraid of traumatizing her child through her parental mistakes when she first became a mother. 

Broken and Imperfect, but Dearly Loved

I'm a good person. I have no issues. Life is a walk in the park.

What a mess we are, ever single one of us. In our modern society we work hard to cover up our issues and imperfections with happy pictures on social media and small talk, but the truth is ugly. If you haven’t already watched “The Push” on Netflix I recommend it! It’s a film about a social experiment that reveals that most people, under pressure, are capable of committing murder. Derren Brown picked four people for the experiment, two women and two men. Both women and one of the men committed murder at the end of the experiment. All these people are normal people, not mentally unstable, and still they chose murder. The Push is far from the only psychological experiment that has revealed that humans are far more self-centered than we might want to admit.

We are a mess, we are what the Bible calls sinners. We hate the word sin, but it’s quite clear that humans aren’t as sweet on the inside as they look on the outside. The people in the social experiment chose murder when they were faced with the realization that they might go to prison if they let the person live. We think we are “good people”, we are not.

Despite all this, regardless of our brokenness and ugliness, God willingly chose to give up everything to save us humans from ourselves. My mind struggles to understand how huge that is, that God willingly took on unbelievable amounts of pain to set my soul free from the bondage of sin. I can’t save myself from my issues, I can strive to be “a good person”, but the social experiment shows that I’m not. Humans are inherently selfish and if we are ever faced with the choice of saving our own skin or committing murder 3 out of 4 will choose murder. Still, God loves us, every single one of us. That's mind-blowing to me!

Imperfect, but dearly loved!

Today we had a “Testimony Day” at our Women Connect gathering at church and I was once again reminded of God’s limitless love. It’s incredible what God will do to reach us, even when we are running in the other direction. Sharon was one of the women who shared her story at Women's Connect today. Sharon has been a believer since she was a small child, but most of her life she hasn’t spent much time focusing on God. She got caught up in chasing wealth, possessions, career success and independence over the years.

One day Sharon suffered a stroke and a brain aneurysm and ended up in the hospital. She had an out of body experience while she was in the ambulance and found herself walking in the yard of her big house in Toronto. She could hear a voice that said: “You have spent all your money and focus on this, and you spend no time with me.” She didn’t understand what was going on until later, and after months of recovery and rehabilitation she knew everything had to change in her life. The doctors say that she should be either dead or severely disabled at this point because of the severity of her brain aneurysm, but she is walking and doing well.

Sharon has big scars on her body from the surgery and for a long time she has been covering them up with a scarf. One day God spoke to her during her prayer time and told her not to hide her scars any longer. God told her to share her testimony and tell others that although she should be dead today God decided to make death pass over her, just like it passed over the Israelites’ homes in Egypt. Today Sharon is living every day to the fullest, not worrying about the future at all and making sure she’s spending time with God. She’s not letting herself get distracted by the alluring things of this world any longer.

Sharon isn’t the only person I’ve met who have had miraculous healing take place in her life. Two of my friends at Women Connect have experienced miraculous healing in their own bodies. It’s one thing to hear about God’s mighty works or read about them in the Bible, it’s different to meet a friend who tells you their story. God cares for us, nobody will ever love you like God loves you, but do you love him? The Bible makes it clear that all God asks of us is for us to love Him back and then go out into the world and love other people.

Messy, weak and imperfect but forgiven, free and fearless in Christ.

How many of us can honestly say that we really love God? You can’t love somebody that you don’t know personally. I don’t love Beyonce, because I have never met her. I love my husband because every day I spend time with him. Every day God loves you, protects you, cares for you and provides for you. Do you even notice that in your life? Do you even care about Him at all? 

I don’t know about you, but I tend to get easily distracted from the things of God and choose to be self-absorbed. One of my New Year’s resolutions this year is to spend more time with God. When Lent started a couple of weeks ago I chose to fast from sleep. I decided that I will get up one hour earlier every day to spend that hour with God. The first week was very unsuccessful. I would get up, turn off my alarm, and crawl back into bed. The second week I finally got a good routine going.

I get up at 5AM every morning to spend one hour with God. I read 1-2 chapters in the Bible, I sing 1-2 worship songs to God, and I pray for myself and others. I ask God to protect, guide and provide for all my friends and family members and I ask Him to help them with whatever they are struggling with. If someone’s sick I pray for healing. At this point my time with God has become my favorite hour of the day. My time with God leaves me joyful, at peace and full of hope every morning. But I’m aware that once Lent is over it will be very easy for me to slip back into old habits and not prioritize putting God first any longer.

Everything that is beautiful, good, lovely and admirable in my life comes from the same source; God. How can I justify not letting God have the first hour of my day when He gave up everything for me? I will work hard to keep my Morning Quiet Time habit after Lent is over and other people’s testimonies encourage me to keep God first. At the end of this life I will not wish that I had spent more time on shopping, Netflix, or at the gym. What will matter at the end is this: How much I loved God and how well I loved other people.

Peace. Hope. Joy. Purpose.

We all come into this world naked and we all leave it naked. Our beauty, career titles, popularity, social status or prestige is temporary and will not impress God. What matters is if we love God or not, and if we loved the people God put in front of us. How are you doing in these two areas? I personally have a lot of room for improvement in both areas, but every new habit makes an important difference.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Steadfast Love

Lauren Chandler is the author of "Steadfast Love" and in this video she talks about her struggle with perfectionism, self reliance and not feeling good enough.

Here Comes Trouble

Meet a guy whose name actually means trouble. Achan was an Israeli soldier whose personal action brought a national reaction. When he crashed and burned, he took others down with him—his fellow soldiers, his family, and his country. How can one person do so much damage? And what should be done when we find ourselves in the fallout of failure (our own or others’)? Moreover, can there ever be a bright future for those experiencing such dim circumstances?

Zanetta's Story

Zanetta Romero lived a life that looked like a fairy-tale, but on the inside she felt empty. She went looking for something to fill the void. 

Zanetta ended up making some choices that led her to loose her family. She found freedom when she finally decided to reveal her secrets to God and to the closest people in her life.

Rebecca's Story

Rebecca Toups shares her story about hitting rock bottom.

Is He "The One"?

Emily Wilson talks about some of the things she saw in her husband during the dating phase that convinced her that he was "the one" for her. Emily noticed that Daniel wasn't a man who just tolerated her values in life, he had the same values as her. She also discovered that Daniel was a selfless man who wasn't afraid to give of himself and serve others. He wasn't self-serving.

Emily also talks about having a deep awareness in her heart that she wasn't settling as she was choosing Daniel. She could see that being with Daniel helped her become a better person and her presence in his life made him a better person too. Emily knew that she needed her future husband to be a man of great character and integrity and she found both of these things in Daniel.