Thursday, September 29, 2016

You are fully loved

Each one of us are fully loved by God but it's often hard to live loved when we don't feel loved. On most days in our lives we feel a bit guilty, sad, ashamed, insecure, hurt, lonely and left out. How can we live loved when we feel rejected in life?

Lysa Terkeurst has put together a six-session DVD-Study based on her new book Uninvited. Lysa explains that rejections from our past can affect our everyday lives, but rejection doesn't have to get the final say over our lives. We can learn to live from a place of love rather than constantly trying to achieve acceptance and approval from other people. Even if we spend our lives doing good things; helping others, loving those around us and serving the poor, we will constantly feel drained if we do all these things to get acceptance and appreciation from others. When our souls become filled up with God's love which is unconditional, relentless, unfailing and something we never have to earn, we can start living from a place of feeling accepted and loved at the start of every new day. We no longer have to walk around on this Earth hungry for love and settling for scraps of love given to us by others.

When we come to God daily and let him fill us up with His unconditional, unfailing love we can go into the world filled up, no longer empty on the inside. When we start living every new day from a place of love and acceptance, knowing that we are loved and accepted by God, we can walk freely through life. We can now love others freely, we are no longer fighting for their acceptance and approval.

The broken world we live in will always try to hold us back from living loved, but if we remember to turn our focus to our instructor in life, God, He will quiet our fears, give us rest, help us grow and fill up our souls with His unfailing love. Rejection doesn't have to get the final say over our lives.

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